Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas 2008

Vivienne arrived the night before.

We were up at a respectible time, had breakfast, then on to the mamoth present opening. Mini treasure hunt for George's last present - MP3 player.

Lunch of stuffed turkey breast, triffle and absolutely delicious 2005 Christmas Pudding (from Dad).

Lazy afternoon & evening in front of the telly.

Monday 15 December 2008

Annie & Davids for Christmas drink

Went to Annie & David's for a drink in the evening.

Friday 12 December 2008

Busy weekend in London

Friday we got the Christmas tree and it was then duly decorated by Jayne, George & Will.
Saturday morning first thing, we were up at 05:00 to take Will to the bus station to catch a bus to Heathrow.
Aunty Brenda phoned saying she was not well with a bad cold. We had planned to go for lunch, instead we just called in mid afternoon to drop off some presents quickly and say hello. After this we called into see Sherryl & Rebecca briefly before continuing up to London to stay with Vivienne.
On Saturday evening we went to see a play in the West End called "No Mans Land" by Harold Pinter Excellent acting, Jayne & George enjoyed it however it was not really my thing - too many words and no story!! Still it was an enjoyable evening.
On Sunday we met Stephen & Bridget for lunch. They were finishing packing up their house and were due to move on Monday
Sunday evening on the way home we called in at Henley to see our friends - Sue, Craig, (Toby the brown lab) Jan & Ken (at home with a cold).

Monday 8 December 2008

Few days in Warsaw

Went to Warsaw for a few days with work - UQS workshop. Clive & Richard picked me up first thing Monday morning and we drove to Heathrow. Sadly no flights available from Bristol. We had already checked in online so although it was a losw trip up, had no problems with time. Flight was at 12:00. Had a look around Terminal 5 - first time and I thought it was very nice.

Monday evening went to a great restaurant called Piwna Kompania. Very lively, very cheap and lots of meat! Had a wander around the old town which was very beautiful with all the xmas lights. Excellent Christmas tree with many changing lights.

Weather was clear and cold - below freezing. I bought a long wool/cashmere coat - lovely.

Dinner on Tuesday night was in the old town again, this time at a restaurant called Senator. Very elaborate surroundings and good food. Vodka to end :-)

Flew back home on Wednesday evening.

Saturday 6 December 2008

Thursday 4 December 2008

Xmas shopping with George

Picked up George from school and then went into Bath for xmas shopping. It was great and we got most of the things we wanted.